Title: In Odisha - Balasore three train crashed, 70 people dead 300 to 400+ people injured.
Tree train (train no: 12864) SMVB Howrah Express, Train no:12841 Coromandal Express and one Malgadi crashed together. Bengaluru to Balasore to Hawrah( SMVB Hawrah Express ) and one Malgadi crashed first, After some time Coromandal Express hits pre crashed Magadi and SMVB Hawrah Express.
Due to this terrible accident approximately 70+ people dead and more than 400 people get injured.
This accident happen in Balasore of Odisha. All NDRF with full of equipment present at the crash side. Rescue Operation is on.From Prime Minister Relif Fund 50,000 to less injured, serious injured 2 lakh and 10 lakh against death will be given.
President Draupati Murmu, Prime minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Sah expressed grief over the accident.
This Deadly Accident has taken many lives, somebody should take responsibility, Why it happen? This question is big.
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