Thursday 1 June 2023

सोशल मीडिया पर "2 जून की रोटी" मीम के प्रभाव का विश्लेषण

शीर्षक: "2 जून की रोटी" के वायरल सेंसेशन को डिकोड करना: अर्थ और सांस्कृतिक महत्व का अनावरण 

2June Ki Roti

परिचय: हाल ही में, सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्मों पर "2 जून की रोटी" के रूप में एक नया वायरल सेंसेशन मचा हुआ है। यह रोचक प्रवृत्ति नेटिजन्स के ध्यान को आकर्षित करके उन्हें विभिन्न ऑनलाइन मंचों पर इस अवधारणा का साझा करने और चर्चा करने के लिए प्रेरित कर रही है। इस लेख में, हम इस मीम के मूल्यांकन, महत्व और अर्थ की खोज करते हैं, जो इसके सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव को उजागर करती है।

"2 जून की रोटी" की उत्पत्ति: 2 जून की रोटी" वाक्यांश को सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्मों पर वायरल मीम के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है। यह प्रस्तावित रूप में एक मजाकिया ऑनलाइन बहस से उत्पन्न हुआ लगता है, जहां किसी ने मजाक करके तारीख को एक विशेष प्रकार की रोटी (ब्रेड) का त्योहार कहा। इस टिप्पणी की मजेदार प्रकृति ने त्वरित ही इंटरनेट उपयोगकर्ताओं के ध्यान को आकर्षित किया, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप यह व्यापक रूप से प्रसारित हो गया।

सांस्कृतिक महत्व: भारतीय संस्कृति में, भोजन का गहरा महत्व होता है, जिसमें जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं का प्रतीक होता है। "2 जून की रोटी" के मीम के रूप में प्रसार की लोकप्रियता ने विज्ञान के बड़े पैमाने पर हंसी की भूमिका का प्रमाण दिया है और सोशल मीडिया की क्षमता को उजागर किया है कि ऐसे प्रवृत्तियों को तेजी से विस्तारित किया जा सकता है। यह प्रभाव साझी अनुभवों और अंदर के मजाकों के भूतपूर्व साथियों के लिए समुदाय के भाव को पोषित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।

व्याख्या और अर्थ: 2 जून की रोटी" शुरू में एक यादृच्छिक वाक्यांश जैसा लग सकता है, लेकिन इसका व्याख्यान व्यक्ति से व्यक्ति भिन्न हो सकता है। कुछ लोग इसे दिनचर्या की साधारणता के खिलाफ मजाक के रूप में देखते हैं, जिससे सबसे सरल बातों में आनंद लेने की आवश्यकता को जोर दिया जाता है। दूसरे लोग इसे एक ऐसी मेटाफ़ॉर के रूप में समझते हैं जो कि किसी भी दिन आकस्मिक सरप्राइज़ या अवसर को दर्शाने के लिए हो सकती है, और लोगों को नई गतिविधियों के लिए खुले मन और ग्रहणशील रहने की आवश्यकता को कहती है।
इसके अलावा, यह वाक्य वर्तमान क्षण का महत्व याद कराने के लिए भी काम कर सकता है। एक तेजी से बदलते दुनिया में, जहां समय बिना किसी परेशानी के आसानी से गुजर जाता है, "2 जून की रोटी" शायद जीवन की छोटी-छोटी खुशियों का महत्व दर्शाती हो, और वर्तमान दिन में संतुष्टि खोजने की बजाय पूर्व की ओर या भविष्य की चिंता करने की आवश्यकता को दिखाती है।

2 जून की रोटी" की वायरलता सोशल मीडिया के संसार पर प्रभाव डालती है, जो प्रसिद्ध संस्कृति को आकार देने में मदद करता है। इस मीम के तेजी से प्रसार के माध्यम से, यह लोगों को विभिन्न पृष्ठभूमियों से एकता बढ़ाने, साझा हंसी का उत्पादन करने और संबंध विकसित करने के लिए लाता है। यह इंटरनेट की क्षमता का प्रमाण है कि यह भूगोलिक सीमाओं और सांस्कृतिक परापेक्ष्यों को पार करते हुए लोगों को हँसी में एकजुट करने में सक्षम है।

 "2 जून की रोटी" ने निश्चित रूप से डिजिटल परिदृश्य पर अपनी छाप छोड़ दी है, जो इंटरनेट के उपयोगकर्ताओं की कल्पनाओं को आकर्षित करने और हंसी के माध्यम से खुशी फैलाने के माध्यम से व्यापक संयोजन का आयोजन करता है। सोशल मीडिया की संघटना के माध्यम से जोड़ने, यह हमें संयोजन, हँसी और साझी अनुभवों की आकांक्षा को याद दिलाता है। चाहे वह एक साधारण वाक्य हो या एक मजेदार मीम, "2 जून की रोटी" हमें ऑनलाइन दुनिया में अप्रत्याशित और आनंददायक तरीके से एकजुट होने की शक्ति को प्रतिष्ठित करता है।

Analyzing the Impact of "2 June ki Roti" Meme on Social Media

Title: Decoding the Viral Sensation of "2 June ki Roti": Unveiling the Meaning and Cultural Significance

2 June ki roti

Introduction: In recent days, social media platforms have been abuzz with a new viral sensation known as "2 June ki Roti." This intriguing trend has captured the attention of netizens across India, prompting them to share and discuss the concept in various online forums. In this article, we delve into the origins, significance, and meaning behind this meme, shedding light on its cultural impact.

Origins of "2 June ki Roti": The phrase "2 June ki Roti" gained traction as a viral meme on social media platforms. It appears to have originated from a humorous online exchange where someone jokingly referred to the date as an occasion to enjoy a special type of roti (bread). The amusing nature of this comment quickly caught the attention of internet users, leading to its widespread dissemination.

Cultural Significance: In Indian culture, food holds a deep-rooted significance, often symbolizing various aspects of life. The popularity of "2 June ki Roti" as a meme reflects the importance of light-hearted humor and the ability of social media to amplify such trends rapidly. This phenomenon highlights the role of shared experiences and inside jokes in fostering a sense of community within online platforms.

Interpretations and Meaning: While "2 June ki Roti" may appear to be a random phrase at first glance, its interpretation varies among individuals. Some view it as a playful reference to the mundane nature of everyday life, emphasizing the need to find joy in the simplest of things. Others interpret it as a metaphor for unexpected surprises or opportunities that may arise on any given day, urging people to stay open-minded and receptive to new experiences.

Furthermore, the phrase may also serve as a reminder to cherish and celebrate the present moment. In a fast-paced world, where time seems to slip away effortlessly, "2 June ki Roti" may symbolize the importance of savoring life's small pleasures and finding contentment in the present day, rather than fixating on the past or worrying about the future.

Impact on Social Media:
The viral nature of "2 June ki Roti" demonstrates the power of social media in shaping popular culture. Through its rapid dissemination, this meme has brought people from diverse backgrounds together, creating a shared sense of humor and fostering connections. It serves as a testament to the internet's ability to unite individuals in laughter, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural barriers.

Conclusion: "2 June ki Roti" has undoubtedly made a mark on the digital landscape, captivating the imaginations of netizens and spreading joy through its lighthearted humor. As social media continues to evolve, it is moments like these that remind us of the collective human desire for connection, laughter, and shared experiences. Whether it be a simple phrase or a humorous meme, "2 June ki Roti" symbolizes the power of the online world to unite us in unexpected and delightful ways.

Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Key to Long-term Success. Happy Telangana Day

Title: Telangana Formation Day 2023: A Comprehensive Insight into India's Youngest State
Telangana Formation Day

Introduction: Telangana Formation Day, an annual occasion celebrated on June 2nd, marks the day when the state of Telangana officially came into existence as India's newest state in 2014. This significant event holds historical importance and commemorates the culmination of a long-standing struggle for regional identity and autonomy. As Telangana enters its ninth year of formation, let us delve into the history, significance, and achievements of this vibrant state.

Historical Background: The demand for a separate state of Telangana can be traced back to the early 1950s when the linguistic reorganization of states took place in India. However, it was not until the 1960s and onwards that the movement gained momentum. Over the years, various socio-political factors contributed to the fervent demand for statehood, including issues related to regional disparities, cultural identity, and political representation. After years of agitation and deliberation, the state of Telangana was eventually carved out from the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh.

Significance of Telangana Formation Day: Telangana Formation Day holds immense significance as it represents the culmination of the aspirations and struggles of the people of Telangana. It serves as a reminder of the successful realization of their long-standing demand for statehood, which aimed to address the unique socio-economic and cultural concerns of the region. The occasion also provides an opportunity to reflect on the achievements, challenges, and aspirations of Telangana as it progresses towards socio-economic development and inclusive growth.

Achievements and Progress: Since its formation, Telangana has made remarkable strides in various sectors, fostering socio-economic growth and improving the lives of its residents. The state government has undertaken several initiatives to promote industrial development, infrastructure expansion, and agricultural reforms. The launch of innovative schemes such as Mission Bhagiratha (providing piped drinking water to every household) and Mission Kakatiya (restoration of irrigation tanks) has brought significant improvements to the lives of rural communities. Furthermore, Telangana has emerged as a major destination for information technology and business process management services, contributing to job creation and economic prosperity.

Cultural Diversity and Heritage:
Telangana is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, encompassing art, literature, music, and dance forms. The state's traditional art forms like Bathukamma and Bonalu have gained widespread recognition and become symbols of Telangana's cultural identity. Telugu, a widely spoken language in the region, is enriched with its unique dialect and literary traditions. Telangana's historical sites, including the UNESCO World Heritage site of Ramappa Temple, attract tourists from across the globe, offering a glimpse into the state's architectural brilliance.

Conclusion: Telangana Formation Day stands as a testament to the perseverance, determination, and unity of the people of Telangana in realizing their aspirations for a separate state. Over the years, Telangana has made significant progress in various spheres, laying the foundation for inclusive development and economic growth. As the state enters another year, it is essential to celebrate its achievements while recognizing the challenges that lie ahead. Telangana's rich cultural heritage, thriving economy, and vibrant society make it a dynamic state, poised for a promising future.

Elon Musk Reclaims the Title of World's Richest Person Powered by Tesla and Twitter

Title: Elon Musk Regains Position as the Wealthiest Individual Globally: Tesla and Twitter Fuel His Ascendancy


Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and Twitter, has recently recaptured the coveted title of the world's wealthiest person. This remarkable feat marks a significant milestone in Musk's financial journey, propelled by the exceptional success of his electric vehicle (EV) company, Tesla, and the continuous growth of the social media giant, Twitter. This article explores the factors that have contributed to Musk's resurgence as the richest individual globally, highlighting the key role played by Tesla and Twitter in his ascent.

Headline: Elon Musk Surpasses All to Reclaim the Throne of the World's Richest Person

Subheadings:The Resilience of Tesla: A Driving Force Behind Musk's Prosperity
Twitter's Expansion and Musk's Profound Influence: Catalysts for Wealth Accumulation
Analyzing Musk's Path to Regaining the Wealth Crown

Section 1: The Resilience of Tesla: A Driving Force Behind Musk's Prosperity

Tesla, Musk's brainchild in the realm of sustainable mobility, has been instrumental in catapulting him back to the pinnacle of wealth. The innovative electric vehicle manufacturer's impressive sales and technological advancements have resulted in surging revenues, garnering substantial investor confidence. Tesla's unwavering market dominance, particularly in the EV sector, has solidified its position as a key player in the global automotive industry. As a result, Musk's substantial ownership stake in Tesla has significantly contributed to his immense wealth accumulation.

Section 2: Twitter's Expansion and Musk's Profound Influence: Catalysts for Wealth Accumulation

In addition to his role at Tesla, Elon Musk's association with the social media platform Twitter has proven to be a valuable asset in his pursuit of fortune. Musk's active and often controversial presence on Twitter has garnered significant attention, amplifying his personal brand and drawing attention to his ventures. Furthermore, his strategic utilization of the platform as a communication tool for Tesla and other business endeavors has contributed to increased investor confidence and boosted the valuation of his companies. Musk's ability to leverage Twitter's expansive reach and engage with millions of followers has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in his financial ascendancy.

Section 3: Analyzing Musk's Path to Regaining the Wealth Crown

Elon Musk's journey to reclaiming the title of the world's richest person is the culmination of a strategic and visionary approach to business. His unrivaled entrepreneurial vision, combined with a relentless pursuit of innovation, has enabled him to build successful ventures that generate substantial wealth. Moreover, Musk's ability to adapt to market dynamics, capitalize on emerging trends, and effectively manage his companies has further strengthened his financial position. Through his exceptional leadership skills and the execution of groundbreaking ideas, Musk has solidified his status as a prominent figure in the global business landscape.


Elon Musk's recent reclamation of the title of the world's richest person underscores the enduring success of his ventures, Tesla and Twitter. The remarkable growth and resilience of Tesla, coupled with Musk's influential presence on Twitter, have played vital roles in his financial ascent. As Musk continues to shape industries and push boundaries, his entrepreneurial prowess will undoubtedly continue to drive his wealth accumulation, cementing his status as a prominent global figure in technology and business.

# Geeklurn fraud , #Geekurn_Edutech_fraud हुआ यू की एक आदमी ने दिया दूसरे आदमी को लड्डू। मजे की बात तब हुई उस लड्डू के एबज़ मे पहले आदमी ने लड्डू लेने वाले की सारी संपाती ले ली |

 हुआ यू की एक आदमी ने दिया दूसरे आदमी को लड्डू। मजे की बात तब हुई उस लड्डू के एबज़ मे पहले आदमी ने लड्डू लेने वाले की सारी संपाती ले ली | 

हा हा हा जरा रुकिए एकदम ऐसा नहीं हुआ पर हुआ कुछ ऐसा ही है|

बात कुछ बिद्यार्थियों की है जो डाटा साइन्स आर्किटैक्चर मे अपना कारीयर बनाना चाहते थे | इन विद्यार्थियों की चुकी आर्थिक परिस्थितियों की वजह से एक ऐसे संस्थान का चुनाव किया जो यह वादा करती थी की वह इन विद्यार्थियों की डाटा साइन्स आर्किटैक्चर प्रोग्राम्म की ट्रेननिंग देगी| ट्रेननिग की फीस विद्यार्थी को भरना होगा |

 लेकिन उसके लिए विद्यार्थियों को अपने जेब से पैसे देने की जरूरत नहीं है - ऐसा संस्थान का कहना था | संस्थान अपने मित्र फ़ाइनेंस कोंपनीस के मधायम से लोन कवाएगी | इस लोन का इनस्तलल्मेंट ईएमआई संस्थान तब तक देती रहेगी जबतक  विद्यार्थी उनके दिये प्रोग्राम की ट्रेननिंग से प्लेसमेंट नहीं हो जाता |

 विद्यार्थियों ने सोचा ठीक ही है अगर संस्थान प्लेसमेंट तक ईएमआई दे ही रहा है जॉब लाग्ने के बाद वे बाकी पैसे दे देंगे | बिद्यार्थियों ने एड्मिशन लिया | संस्थान हर महीने की सुरुयात मे ईएमआई के पैसे स्टूडेंट के खाते मे आते और स्टूडेंट के खाते से ओ पैसा संस्थान के फ़ाइनेंस पार्टनर जिनहोने बिद्यार्थियों को लोन दिया था उनके खाते मे चला जाता | साथ ही साथ संस्थान डाटा साइन्स आर्किटैक्चर प्रोग्राम का ट्रेननिंग बिद्यार्थियों को देने लगा |

 संस्था इसी लुभावने वादे पर चल रही थी  इसे चलते हुये दो साल लगभग हो  चुके थे |  सात से आठ बिद्यार्थियों का इनहोने पकमेंट दिखाया , दावा करती है ये संस्थान से  बहुत विद्यार्थी लाभान्वित हुए | और कुछ विद्यार्थी जिनका प्लेसमेंट नहीं हुआ ऐसे कुछ बिद्यार्थी अभी भी ट्रेननिंग ले रहे हैं|

 लंबे समय से ट्रेननिंग ले रहे बिद्यार्थियों का कहना है की उनके बैच मे अभी तक सिलैबस ही कंप्लीट नहीं है | और कुछ बिद्यार्थी नए जॉइन हुये है | पढ़ना - पढ़ाना और लोन भी भरना सुचारु रूप से चल रहा था |

 अधिकतर बिद्यार्थियों का कहना है की ईएमआई समय पर मिल तो जा रहा था परंतु जितना ईएमआई लगता  था उससे तीस से चालीस रूपाय कम संस्थान बिद्यार्थियों को देती थी | इस संस्थान मे अध्ययन करने वाले कुछ के पास जॉब थी और कुछ बेरोजगार | बेरोजगारों का कहना था की संस्थान उनको पूरे पैसे दें पर इनकी मांग पर संस्थान बड़ी चतुराई से निकाल जाती थी | 

इस तरह संस्थान का काला चेहरा धीरे धीरे बाहर आने लगा | इसी साल 2023 के फेब्रुअरी माह मे संस्थान ने घोसना किया की समय पर ईएमआई का पैसा देने के लिए संस्थान बाध्य नहीं है जबकि संस्था ने अपने और बिद्यार्थियों के बीच हुवे अग्रीमेंट मे यह साफ है की संस्थान ईएमआई देने के लिए जिम्मेदार है | परंतु अब संस्थान अपनी जिम्मेवारियों से पाला झाड कर बिद्यार्थियों के कंधे पर लोन की मोटी रकम देने के लिए बाध्य कर रहा है|

 बिद्यार्थियों का बिगाड़ना जायज था इनहोने सोसल मीडिया,पुलिस ,कोर्ट, संस्थान के बंगलुरु के जयनगर स्थित ऑफिस मे फ़िज़िकल प्रेजेंट होकर अपने साथ हुवे 420सी की रिपोर्ट लिखवाई और सवाल पूछा | संस्थान ने विगत दो महीने से ईएमआई नहीं दिया है क्लाससेस भी नहीं हो रहा है | इधर फ़ाइनेंस कोंपनीस  का कहना है की पैसा विद्यार्थियों के कहने पर संस्थान को दिया गया अब लोन की मोटी रकम बिद्यार्थियों से ही वसूला जागा यहाँ नोट करने की बात यह है की कहा गया की "वसूला जाएगा" इससे फ़ाइनेंस कोंपनीस के मिजाज का बिद्यार्थियों के प्रति पता चलता है | 

संस्थान ने बिद्यार्थियों के हाथ मे खयाली लड्डू दे कर मोटी रकम पचाना चाहती है |

संस्थान का नाम : Geeklurn Edutech Pvt. Ltd.

फ़ाइनेंस पार्टनर : Propell, Credence, Aaditya Birla group ETC.

अधिकतम संस्थान की फीस : 278000/-

अधिकतम ईएमआई : 10 हजार से 15 हजार तक 

लोन का टेनुयर : 36 महीने |

बिद्यार्थियों की स्थिति इतनी मोटी रकम भरने की हर महीने नहीं है अर्थात वे सक्षम नहीं हैं | बिद्यार्थियों की पैसे न देने की छमता ही संस्थान मे खिच लाई और संस्थान इनकी मजबूरीयों का बखूबी फाइदा उठाया |      

visit to know more: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/students-demand-justice-geeklurn-edutech-nbfc-aditya-birla-behera





#Geeklurn_Fraud , #Geeklurn_Edutech_fraud An incident occurred where one person gave a laddoo to another person. The interesting part was that the first person took all the possessions of the person receiving the laddoo in exchange for it.

"An incident occurred where one person gave a laddoo to another person. The interesting part was that the first person took all the possessions of the person receiving the laddoo in exchange for it."

Well, although it didn't happen exactly like that, something similar did occur.

This story revolves around some students who wanted to build their careers in the field of data science architecture. Due to the financial circumstances of these students, they chose an institution that promised to provide training in their data science architecture program. The students were required to pay the training fees.

However, the students were assured that they wouldn't need to pay from their pockets as the institution claimed it would arrange a loan through its partner finance companies. The institution would continue to pay the loan installment until the students secured placements through their training in the program.

The students thought it was reasonable since the institution was providing EMIs until placements were achieved, and they would repay the remaining amount after getting a job. They took admission in the institution, and at the beginning of each month, the EMI amount was credited to the students' accounts, and from there, it would be transferred to the account of the institution's finance partner who had provided the loan to the students. Meanwhile, the institution started providing training in the data science architecture program to the students.

The institution was running on this promising premise for almost two years. Around seven to eight students displayed payment receipts, claiming that many students had benefited from the institution. However, there were some students who were still undergoing training as they hadn't secured placements yet.

The students who had been training for a long time claimed that the syllabus in their batch hadn't been completed yet. Some new students had also joined. The process of learning, teaching, and repaying the loan was going smoothly.

Most of the students claimed that they were receiving the EMI on time, but the institution was deducting thirty to forty rupees less than the actual EMI amount. Some students studying in this institution had jobs, while others were unemployed. The unemployed students demanded full repayment from the institution, but the institution skillfully evaded their demands.

In this way, the institution's true face slowly began to emerge. In February 2023, the institution announced that it was not obligated to provide the EMI on time, despite the agreement between the institution and the students clearly stating that the institution was responsible for providing the EMI. However, now the institution was pressuring the students to repay a substantial loan amount on their shoulders, disregarding its responsibilities.

The students rightly protested against this, and they filed a complaint with social media, the police, and the court, presenting physical evidence at the institution's office located in Jayanagar, Bangalore. The institution hadn't provided EMIs or conducted classes for the past two months. On the other hand, the finance companies claimed that they had provided the money to the institution based on the students' request, and now the institution was trying to collect the large loan amount from the students.

It's noteworthy that the phrase "collect from the students" reveals the nature of the finance companies' intentions towards the students.

The institution wants to extract a large sum of money from the students by giving them imaginary laddoos in their hands.

Institution Name: Geeklurn Edutech Pvt. Ltd.

Finance Partners: Propell, Credence, Aaditya Birla Group, etc.

Maximum Institution Fee: INR 278,000/-

Maximum EMI: INR 10,000 to INR 15,000

Loan Tenure: 36 months

The situation for the students is challenging as they cannot afford to pay such a large amount every month. The institution took

José Mourinho Disputes Referee's Decisions as AS Roma Falls to Sevilla in UEFA Europa League Final

Title: José Mourinho Disputes Referee's Decisions as AS Roma Falls to Sevilla in UEFA Europa League Final

Renowned football manager José Mourinho expressed his reservations regarding the officiating in the UEFA Europa League final between AS Roma and Sevilla. In a post-match interview, Mourinho hinted at potential bias, suggesting that the referee appeared to favor the Spanish side.

The highly anticipated final, held on [date], captivated fans around the world as two esteemed European clubs battled for continental glory. However, controversy overshadowed the spectacle, with Mourinho voicing his concerns over the match official's decisions throughout the game.

Mourinho, known for his astute tactical acumen and outspoken nature, did not hold back in his criticism. He insinuated that the referee's nationality influenced the outcome, implying a potential lack of impartiality. Such remarks draw attention to the delicate issue of referees' nationalities and their impact on officiating.

The match itself was a tightly contested affair, with both teams showcasing their skills and determination. However, Mourinho's frustration mounted as the game progressed, particularly due to a series of contentious incidents. The referee's decisions, in Mourinho's view, favored Sevilla, exacerbating his disappointment with the final result.

It is important to note that refereeing decisions have long been a topic of discussion and debate in football. While referees are expected to uphold the integrity of the game, subjectivity and human error can sometimes come into play. Mourinho's comments serve as a reminder of the passion and intensity that surround high-stakes matches, where the smallest decisions can have a profound impact.

However, it is crucial to exercise caution when drawing conclusions about referee bias solely based on remarks made in the heat of the moment. Football, like any other sport, strives for fairness and transparency in officiating. UEFA, the governing body of European football, has implemented various measures to ensure the highest standards of refereeing, including comprehensive training and ongoing evaluation.

In light of Mourinho's comments, it remains to be seen whether any formal action will be taken or if UEFA will address his concerns. Nevertheless, the incident emphasizes the need for open dialogue and constructive discussions on improving the refereeing process, aiming to minimize potential biases and enhance the overall integrity of the game.

Ultimately, while Mourinho's post-match remarks captured attention, it is essential to approach such controversies with objectivity and respect for the referee's role. The UEFA Europa League final showcased the talents of two exceptional teams, and the outcome should not be overshadowed solely by claims of biased officiating. The focus should be on celebrating the achievements and efforts of the players, as well as promoting fair play and sportsmanship in football as a whole.

FM Nirmala Sitharaman's Daughter, Parakala Vangamayi, Celebrates Matrimony in an Intimate Bengaluru Ceremony

Title: FM Nirmala Sitharaman's Daughter, Parakala Vangamayi, Celebrates Matrimony in an Intimate Bengaluru Ceremony Introduction: FM'...